Building Blocks: "Preparing Our Hearts"
The 2022 Capital Campaign at Fondren Presbyterian Church
Fondren Presbyterian Church is a vital and unique part of our neighborhood, the capital region, and the state. We, as a Church of God’s children, are a beacon of hope, place of tolerance, and a foundation for bold leadership. The struggle for clean drinking water, the isolation of the pandemic, and the pain of discrimination are recent reminders that the way our Congregation lives impacts our neighbors in ways we never imagined. We need one another. We need our community and our community needs us. Fondren Presbyterian Church exists to extend the love and grace of Jesus Christ throughout Jackson and Mississippi.
At this time, we must take a moment in the life of the church to focus on our gathering place—our 70-year-old church so that it:
serves its mission to gather us safely for worship, mission, fellowship, and community;
invites and attracts our brothers and sisters to enter our doors; and
ensures those who enter here feel welcomed, nourished, and alive in Christ.
Please prayerfully consider making a pledge for the building project. Gifts may be made over a five-year period or any lesser increment. In addition to cash, gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, marketable real estate and/or other appreciated and appraisable assets may be given.
Please make your pledge by November 22, 2022.
Architect’s rendering of Fondren’s renovated fellowship hall.
To learn more about the Capital Campaign and complete the pledge form click here.