A Day at the Mississippi Children's Museum for Clausell Elementary
The whole student body and most of the teachers from Clausell Elementary, our Adopter School, recently took part in field trips (two grades at a time) to the Mississippi Children’s Museum. It was quite a celebration!

Many thanks to Julianne Tharpe, Jill Harrison, and Vicki Alvis for so graciously and cheerfully assisting in the chaperoning (and wrangling—this museum is a BIG place with lots of nooks) of the students. It was tiring but also really fun!
Our next field trips will be to the Jackson Zoo on October 20th (K-2nd) and 21st (3rd-5th), from 10 a.m. to noon. The dates and times for the November field trips to the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science have not yet been set.
I particularly wanted to let those of you who have been involved with our Adopter program for some time know that Pamela Hooper, the office administrator at both George and Clausell and longtime friend of many at Fondren, is retiring the end of this week. She will be greatly missed, and we hope she will stay involved with the school so that we will also get to see her!
If you would like to be involved in these field trips or other projects involving our Adopter program, pleaee contact me at mjftaylor7@gmail.com or call the church office at (601) 982-3232.
Jan Taylor
Mission and Social Witness Committee