The Capital Campaign
Building for the Future on the Foundation of Our Past
Fondren Presbyterian Church is much more than a building. As a community of faith, we gather in one place to nurture each other in the love of Christ and to disperse that love into the world, so that what we learn and share here will reach out to many. The church is more than being present for worship. It is preparing and taking meals to the Stewpot Community. It is Wednesday night studies and meals and staying in touch during the week to check on each other's well-being. Especially since Covid, church is sharing emails and phone conversations so that we continue to plan and implement the church’s programs and missions, sometimes in innovative and unexpected ways.
We do this in the present moment because people who came before us prepared this place for us. We seldom think about what others have done to nurture our church. And there comes a time when we, Fondren’s present congregation, must think about who will come after us.
The prophet Jeremiah shared the Word of the Lord with the people of Israel to: Promote the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because your future depends on its welfare. [Jeremiah 29: 7 - CEB] This verse captures the reality that we need to use our present moment and circumstances to look to the future.
Here at Fondren Presbyterian Church, we need to turn our attention to the preparation of our building for a future generation.
Fondren Presbyterian Church is a vital and unique part of our neighborhood, the capital region, and the state. We, as a Church of God’s children, are a beacon of hope, place of tolerance, and a foundation for bold leadership. The struggle for clean drinking water, the isolation of the pandemic, and the pain of discrimination are some of the recent reminders that the way our congregation lives impacts our neighbors in ways we never imagined. We need one another. We need our community and our community needs us. Fondren Presbyterian Church exists to extend the love and grace of Jesus Christ throughout Jackson and Mississippi.
So, now we must take this moment in the life of Fondren Presbyterian Church to focus on our gathering place—our 70-year-old church building. It is time for us to ensure our church building:
serves its mission to gather us safely for worship, mission, fellowship and community;
invites and attracts our brothers and sisters to enter our doors; and
ensures those who enter here feel welcomed, nourished and alive in Christ.
The renovation plan adopted by the Session re-envisions our Fellowship Hall, updates bathrooms and light fixtures, and uses a more awakened eye and a determined spirit to ensure members and the community perceive the church as a sacred and welcoming space. This plan also secures the internal systems of the church for the future, updating 40-year-old air conditioning, heating, wiring, and plumbing systems, and waterproofing the roof and the exterior—all with an eye to our children and grandchildren.

We don’t have a moment to spare. No major updates have been made to our building since the 1980s. Some of the investments we face are so urgent, so imperative, that we have already begun to preserve the church, the organ, and the peaceful sanctuary. We must ensure these internal and invisible investments in the bones of the church building will serve a living, growing, thriving church for decades to come. This project will enhance our church building to support worship, mission, and fellowship.
Phase I — $250,000
Loan Repayment (Loan from FPC Endowment for work in the sanctuary to repair damage caused by water intrusion, and to replace windows throughout building)
Phase II — $1,103,806
Interior Renovations
Fellowship Hall & Narthex $175,000
Heating & Cooling System $280,000
Restrooms Renovation $85,000
Sanctuary Completion (Plaster, Painting & Flooring) $79,000
Exterior Improvements
Patio Construction and Doors to Patio $348,460
Courtyard Walkway Roof Replacement $36,000
10% Contingency
Architect Fees — $76,000
Capital Campaign Commitment Shrinkage — $70,000
TOTAL PHASE I & II (plus fees & contingencies) — $1,499,806
For Fondren Presbyterian to promote the welfare of our city, we need to have space that not only equips the congregation but also is hospitable and usable by our neighbors—not just the members and neighbors we now know, but those we will never know. We must prepare so that God’s Holy Spirit will use us in ways we cannot even imagine.
We need you to prayerfully pledge your support, above and beyond your annual tithe. As a sign of support, 100 percent of the members of the Capital Campaign Committee and the Session have expressed their willingness to make a significant five-year pledge to this Campaign.
You have received a pledge form by mail. You may also download a pledge form from the church website here or complete the pledge form below.
Gifts may be made over a five-year period or any lesser increment. In addition to cash contributions, gifts of appreciated stock, bonds, marketable real estate, and/or other appreciated and appraisable asset may be given.
Pledge Commitment Form
If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Capital Campaign Committee Chair Marcella McKay at (601) 953-0358 or