Building Blocks: "Where Are We Now?"

The Building Blocks Capital Campaign began its public phase October 2, 2022. The conclusion of this phase is planned for this coming Sunday, November 20, 2022.

Here we are the week before Thanksgiving, and our projected conclusion of the Capital Campaign.

Where we are:

  • 28 pledges or one-time gifts

  • For a total of $795,000

Thank you to all who have already participated in this campaign. All of us have had work done at our homes, and we know how expensive repairs and renovations can be. The same is true for the church as we address needed repairs and renovations. We need your support. Pledge forms have been sent to all members and are available on the church website or from the church office. Please prayerfully consider contributing to the Campaign. 

As you make your decision, I ask you to reflect on the past week at Fondren—a week that vividly displayed why our building is important:

  • We gathered for worship, singing, and handbell rehearsal; 

  • We studied and learned;

  • We prepared meals for Stewpot and Meals on Wheels;

  • we hosted local citizens in our community to vote;

  • We baptized a beautiful baby girl;

  • We mourned loved ones lost over the past year, and  

  • We welcomed grieving families to celebrate lives well lived in the company of friends and family supporting them at this precious time.

That is one week (and I’m sure I probably missed something). 

Our church is its people—that is for sure, but this building serves according to our vision as a gathering place for important real-life experiences that define our mission and demonstrate our faith. Its maintenance and preservation is key to our future.

To learn more about the Capital Campaign and complete the pledge form click here.


Joel's Jottings: "The Time Is Now"


Building Blocks: "What doorways do people use to enter a church?"