Clausell Elementary Goes to the Theatre!

On Tuesday, December 19th, Fondren sent the 3rd and 4th grade students from our school adopter Clausell Elementary School on a theater adventure to New Stage Theatre to see Elf the Musical. They loved it and their teachers seem to have loved it just as much. Live theater can be magical, and between the singing and dancing and multiple Santas and all the great costumes, not to mention the fact that it snowed onstage (!), it was certainly magical that day.

This field trip, along with the delivery of the Dove gifts provided by the Fondren congregation and the faculty and staff goodie bags, made the holidays much brighter and cheerier for our Clausell partners. Many thanks for everyone’s commitment to our adopted school. We have a number of special events coming up there as we move into 2024!

Want to volunteer to help with our school adopter events? Contact Jan Taylor at