Joel’s Jottings: “Building Meaningful Habits”

Louis was a member of the first church I served. He retired after years of working at the local textile plant. His children lived in other areas of the state, and he and his wife had a place on one of the North Carolina islands, about 100 miles from our town.

He loved to go fishing while at the beach, but he made a point to tell me that every Sunday he was at the beach, he attended worship at the local Presbyterian church. This practice, he said, was a habit. If he changed his habit at the beach, he feared he would change his pattern at home.

We all have spiritual habits and practices in our daily lives. For Louis, attending  weekly worship was very important. We all have choices to make. Some of the spiritual habits and practices common among Presbyterian Christians, in addition to attending worship, are singing, scripture reading, prayers (before meals or early in the morning or before retiring at night), attending a class or study, and participating in a mission project. You may have others that have been and/or are important to you now.

Building habits is for a purpose. The purpose of the habits of faith is so that we may live our lives in a focused and clear manner to share the wonder of God’s love in the world. Consider what habits of faith you currently use. Which are the most meaningful? Are there some that are tired? Consider where you find joy and peace in them. Change what needs to be changed. Practice what is meaningful. May the practice of your faith provide grace to strengthen and sustain you.