Living into our shared calling, Fondren Presbyterian Church welcomes and nurtures all children of God.


You are welcome here!

At Fondren Presbyterian Church, we take seriously Christ’s call to “go out into all of the world,” which begins in the Fondren neighborhood and spreads into the Jackson community and beyond. We are proud of our more than 100-year heritage as a welcoming and forward-thinking church. We joyfully open our doors to everyone, regardless of race, gender identity, political ideologies, age … Coke or Pepsi!

Explore the website and share in our online worship. When you’re ready, join us for Sunday worship (and stay for lunch every second Sunday!) or a Wednesdays Together supper and program. See our calendar of events for more opportunities to take part in the life and work of the church.

Questions? Please reach out so that we may share more with you about life at Fondren.

Sunday Morning Worship Service

March 16, 2025

To watch past services, visit our YouTube channel.